
VIC’s Bill of Lading

We recently updated our systems to start using the Industry standard VIC’s Bill of Lading.  This is the only Bill of Lading that Hopkins Distribution Company will be using going forward.  Even though the VIC’s Bills are customized for usage by private warehouses, we felt it was important to use this format on your behalf.  […]

We installed new Enterprise Servers

Staying up on technology is important to us…  We installed two new servers and reconfigured our whole backup schema.  These new servers have been designed to last us for the next eight years.  They will afford us our continued business growth but will also handle, MS-SQL more efficiently and will easily handle in-house.  Think […]

RFID is here!

We installed new systems today and have started processing orders to Best Buy using RFID tags. This will open up HUGE avenues for all of our clients to start shipping to the Wal-Marts, Best Buys, Gillettes, Coca-Colas and Proctor & Gambles…

Nevada Governor’s Industry Appreciation Award

For the second time, Hopkins Distribution Company has received the prestigious Nevada State “Expansion Company Award.” We won our first award in 1998. With this recognition comes the responsibility of continuing to uphold  the core values that have made our “little company” successful.

United States Congressional Certificate of Recognition

Congressman Jim Gibbons awarded Hopkins Distribution Company this certificate for providing economic stability in our great state of Nevada. This nomination “exemplifies an economic resource and sets an excellent precedence for future businesses.”